Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at Clapton & Wayford Village Hall


Members Present

Mrs Julia Borland (Chairman)

Mrs Caroline Broom

Mr D Yeomans

Mr R Franklin

Mr Barrie Carter

Mr Mike Best (Somerset County Councillor)

Also present

5 Members of the Public



1.         Apologies for Absence

Apologies received from Mrs Sue Osborne (South Somerset District Councillor) Mr Frank Freeman (Parish Councillor) and Miss Jackie Parsons (Parish Clerk), Mick and Mary Wilson, Mr L Graham-Gleed and Mrs M Ashby.


2.         Public Open Forum – Each member of the public present is entitled to speak once only, in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall not speak for more than 5 minutes.

            The concerns raised by members of the public were with regard to blocked ditches and drains and debris coming off of fields into people’s gardens and driveways.  The Chairman stated that the concerns must be raised on the Somerset Highways website.  It is reasonably easy to use and usually a quick response time.


3.         Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda (Pecuniary or non-statutory interests).

            Mrs J Borland declared an interest in the precept, as Chairman of the Village Hall committee, she stated she would not make any comment on the amount to be given to the village hall by the Parish Council.

4.         To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 12th November 2019

            The minutes approved by the meeting and proposed for approval by Mrs C Broom and seconded by Mr D Yeomans.

5.         Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the Agenda.

            Mr R Franklin raised the matter of internet connection and Gigaclear with Mr D Yeomans.  Mr D Yeomans reiterated what had been reported in the above minutes.

6           Planning Matters.

             West Crewkerne Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee for Planning Applications

and as such does not make the final decision on any application.  Any decisions        and comments made by the Parish Council will be fed into the planning process and added to the report by the Planning Officer.  South Somerset District Council is the Planning Authority and will issue the final decision notice (Planning Determination) once their investigations into the application, consultation period and decision making process has been completed.

A); 19/02372/FUL 28th August 2019 Land OS6400 Peckmoor Farm Henley Crewkerne Somerset.  Use of land for revised sting of 2 holiday lodges, formation of hardstanding for lodges and formation of trackways.

Application permitted with conditions on 12th December 2019.

B); 19/02774/PAMB 23rd September 2019 Farm buildings Lyminster Woolminstone Crewkerne Som.  Notification for prior approval for the change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house.

Application permitted with conditions on 29th November 2019.

C); 19/02922/HOU  12th October 2019 The Rye Barn, Hewish, Crewkerne Somerset TA18 8QT.  Garage conversion to form entrance, to include a door and 2 windows along with cladding and stone wall to match existing.

Application permitted with conditions on 5th December 2019.

The Chairman stated that at the time of the meeting there were no outstanding planning applications for West Crewkerne Parish.  However as a neighbouring Parish to Crewkerne we have received no notification with regard to the development at the top of Lang Road which impacts on the Cathole Bridge Road.  The Chairman asked Mr M Best (Somerset County Councillor) and Crewkerne Town Councillor to comment.

1. The appeal submitted is a written appeal and interested parties have until the 21st January 2020 to submit any comments and observations to the office shown on the Crewkerne Town Council website.  The independent Inspector will look at all the evidence submitted and his or her decision (which is expected to be reached in 6 weeks) and this decision will be final.

2.  Until the above appeal is finalised nothing can be taken forward with regard to the Maiden Beech cross –roads.  This point will be reviewed again when the outcome of the appeal is known.


7.         Highway Matters

            Roundham Small Improvement Scheme.

The Chairman informed the meeting that work to replace and up-date road signage and road markings will be starting in the next few days.

The Small improvement scheme was shown to Roundham residents last year, the majority of Roundham residents agreed the scheme as did the parish council.

With regards to the speed limit reduction from 40mph to 30mph despite the parish council being informed in November 2017 the reduction would take place, following consultation with police authority and local police officers this decision was reversed because the police had stated that they would not support a reduction to 30mph as the speed limit was appropriate for the location.

Four residents from Roundham attended the meeting who expressed disappointment that the speed reduction was not happening and informed the meeting of the problems experienced on a daily basis, speeding motorists, large vehicles not being able to pass safely due to the narrow road, minor accidents and not being able to safely walk along the road.  All of the above problems were supported by Councillor Carter who had been campaigning for road improvements at Roundham for a number of years and also expressed disappointment that correspondence from him to Somerset County Council have gone unanswered and requested County Councillor Mr Mike Best to organise a site meeting with the appropriate people from Somerset County Council Highways.

The Chairman asked that traffic problems experienced by residents be reported to the local authorities and copies sent to the parish council and if possible, video evidence to be obtained.

Mr Yeomans has contacted the Police Inspector for the area to arrange a meeting to discuss the decision taken by the police not to support a speed reduction, but as yet has not received a reply.


No further communication from Gigaclear.

Ditches and Water Egress on to the roads throughout West Crewkerne.

To be reported on Somerset Highways website.


8.         Reports from Councillors, including District and County Councillors.

            1. No report from Mrs C Broom or Mr B Carter.

2. Mr D Yeomans produced an analysis of the people using the West Crewkerne Website for December and for the year ended 31st December 2019.  As the aim of the Parish leaflet is to make the parishioners of West Crewkerne aware that they have a Parish Council and a Parish Website then the effectiveness of the leaflet drop can be measured against the data held for the website for 2019.

3.  Mr R Franklin reported on the property known as Fuzzey ground.  At the back of the property this has now become what appears to be a car breaker yard up to two cars deep, this is not good for the environment and should be stopped.  The Chairman agreed this should be reported, to which County Councillor Best replied he would contact enforcement in the planning department.  The hedge that is causing obstruction in the road has already been reported to Highways on more than one occasion and was still waiting to be cut back.

4.  Mrs J Borland reported on Crewkerne cemetery which has had to expand because of new graves, so there is site clearance, new paths being created new grave plots being marked out.  Because of the weather there has also been a lot of tree work carried out.  Mr D Yeomans stated that he does not get any copies of the Crewkerne Burial Board minutes to put on the website, Mrs J Borland will follow up.

5.  Mrs J Borland stated on behalf of Mr F Freeman that as one of the trustees of the Almshouses he does attend meetings and has been helping with the clearing of one of the gardens.  At the next meeting Mr F Freeman will give a report on the Almshouses.



9.         Considerations for a Neighbourhood Plan.  Do we wish to join with Crewkerne Town Council in drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan.

            The Chairman outlined the commitment that would be required from both Parishioners and Councillors of West Crewkerne, if we were to draw up a neighbourhood plan for West Crewkerne in conjunction with Crewkerne Town Council.  After discussion, the Chairman put forward a motion not to join Crewkerne Town Council in drawing up a Neighbourhood Plan and this was seconded by Mr D Yeomans.  The motion was put to the remaining 3 councillors of which 2 voted for the motion and 1 against the motion.





10.       Leaflet drop to the residents of West Crewkerne Parish.

            The Chairman asked the Parish Councillors to do a leaflet drop of the Parish Leaflets that Mr D Yeomans had had printed and the leaflet drop to be completed by 31st January 2020.


11.       Finance

                   A): To pay the Clerk’s Salary £152.00   Cheque No. 327

       B): To pay HMRC £38.00  Cheque No. 326          

       C): To pay Mr D Yeomans for the order of leaflets.  £32.99  Cheque No. 323

      D): To pay SALC for training course   £25.00  Cheque No. 324

      E):  To pay for the hire of the meeting room to Clapton and Wayford Village Hall.     

             £57.60  Cheque No. 325

      F):   To agree the proposals for the precept for 2020/21

The proposals were amended at the meeting, the grant to the village hall was reduced to £800 with the proviso that if they under took a project they could ask the Parish Council for a contribution.  The amended precept was proposed by Mrs C Broom and seconded by Mr R Franklin and agreed by all the councillors.


12.       Correspondence;

Various e-mails including recycling monthly updates from SWP.

Road Closures from Gigaclear and other utilities providers

Avon and Somerset Police.

Somerset Waste Partnership new recycling details from 2020

Tree Planting Policy – The Parish Council owns no land in the Parish.

Mobile and Laptop Regulations. – The Parish Council complies with the regulations.


13.       To confirm that the next meeting of the West Crewkerne Parish Council will be

             held on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at Clapton & Wayford Village Hall at 7.00pm.

            The above date confirmed.






